Annotated Transcript
Online Teaching Certification

CEP820: Teaching Students Online - Summer 2015
Dr. Anne Heintz and Trixi Beeker
In this course I learned about content management systems (CMS) and learning management systems (LMS). I compared several software programs and decided to build a course called Back to the Basics. Behind the Metrics is a hybrid training class for employees to learn how to properly handle insurance related calls. This course is still used by many employees in my organization.
CEP813: Electronic Assessments - Fall 2015
Dr. Spencer Greenhalgh and Colin Gallagher
I took away three main ideas from this course that I was able to implement into my organization. I utilized infographics to enhance communications. I implemented digital assessments for in class teachings and created digital portfolios for over 350 employees. These digital portfolios were used to provide the employees with a space to show their accomplishments and a way for supervisors to learn how they preferred to receive feedback.
CEP817: Learning Technology Through Design - Spring 2018
Carmen Richardson and Bret Staudtwillet
In CEP817 I learned to create a problem statement and use design to research develop a solution. I was able to change the entire way my department measures quality. We went from only being able to review 1200 calls per month to now grading over 10 million data lines through redesigning our quality program. This new design has been influential in the way that we can now isolate a problem and start to fix it before a customer escalation occurs.
Serious Gaming Certification

MI/TC831: Theories for Games and Interaction Design - Fall 2016
Patrick Shaw
In this course I learned about interaction gaming and how it can be used in learning and other aspects. I was able to research a problem with physical therapy after an accident and design a solution. I pitched the idea for a game called Motion Movers. Physical therapists could provide Motion Movers to their patients to motivate home exercises through motion sensor games.
MI/TC830: Foundations of Serious Games - Spring 2017
Dr. Carrie Heeter
I learned about developing games that could increase knowledge of systems, processes or general education in this course. I built a board game called Behind the Metrics. I presented this game to my management staff and peers in order to help our employees understand why the organization was focused on developing key performance indicators (KPIs). This game proved to my managers that learning can be fun and when completed in this manner the results are better than what we have done in the past.
MI/TC841: Understanding Users - Fall 2017
Dr. Carrie Heeter
In MI/TC841 I researched how applications can enhance the user experience. I decided to develop a prototype for a product called Easy List. this was a way to save time on developing a grocery list. A scanner on a trash can would read the bar-code of disposable items and place those on a grocery list via WiFi or Bluetooth technology. This prototype would save people time and frustration of keeping up with grocery lists and ordering online.
Masters of Arts in Educational Technology
CEP815: Technology and Leadership - Summer 2018
Brittany Dillman and David Goodrich
In this course I learned how to lead others and provide feedback to others. We were asked to have the year one cohort students provide us with their Makey-Makey projects and provide initial feedback. We then sat in to monitor the year one students as they worked with the children and assist with their research methods. The students were receptive to the feedback and implemented it into their final projects.

CEP800: Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings - Summer 2018
Brittany Dillman and David Goodrich
The biggest take away from this course was growth vs fixed mindset as well as Piaget's theory of cognitive development. We were provided the opportunity to actually run some of the development stage experiments on children and record the results. I learned to keep a growth mindset for myself and promote it for others. I was able to bring this back to my organization and assist in changing the way we train our employees.
CEP822: Approaches to Educational Research - Summer 2018
Brittany Dillman and David Goodrich
I learned how to gather information about a topic and determine the differences between credible sources from my studies. I researched Training Evaluations and Training Return on Investments. I discovered several practices and was able to change the way we plan for training programs and provide value to my stakeholders. This has been very valuable in proving the worth of our training programs.
CEP807: Capstone Portfolio - Spring 2019
Dr. Matthew Koehler and Aric Gaunt
I compared several online website building platforms and built a portfolio for myself in CEP807. This portfolio is used to display my Masters of Arts in Educational Technology. It is to be presented to my current employer as well as others who may be interested in bringing traditional education to the corporate world.